School based immunisation program
WA Health in partnership with the education sector, delivers a free Adolescent Immunisation Program to Year 7 and Year 10 students in high schools across Western Australia.
As part of this program, immunisation teams visit schools to provide routine and nationally recommended immunisations that offer protection against several vaccine-preventable diseases and illnesses.
Parents or guardians must read, sign and return the immunisation consent form, even if they choose not to have their child immunised.
If your child needs extra support in receiving their immunisations, they can visit a CAHS community health clinic (free service) or their local GP/pharmacy (consultation fees may apply, vaccines are free).
The school based immunisation team will also provide information to parents about catching up on missed immunisations.
As part of this program, immunisation teams visit schools to provide routine and nationally recommended immunisations that offer protection against several vaccine-preventable diseases and illnesses.
Parents or guardians must read, sign and return the immunisation consent form, even if they choose not to have their child immunised.
If your child needs extra support in receiving their immunisations, they can visit a CAHS community health clinic (free service) or their local GP/pharmacy (consultation fees may apply, vaccines are free).
Year 7
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough vaccine
- Your child will need one dose of each vaccine during Year 7
- Visit Healthy WA for more information about the Year 7 immunisation program
Year 10
- Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
- Visit Healthy WA for more information about the Year 7 immunisation program
What if they miss their immunisation?
If students miss their vaccine at school, parents are encouraged to get their child immunised at a community immunisation clinic, pharmacy or at participating GPs and Aboriginal Medical Services (consultation fees may apply).The school based immunisation team will also provide information to parents about catching up on missed immunisations.
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