Aboriginal Health

The Aboriginal Health Team provides culturally appropriate and secure services to the Aboriginal community across the Perth metropolitan area with children from birth to five years.

We provide additional support to families through targeted and intensive services, specifically designed for vulnerable families.

Our services focus on children, adolescents, young people and their families.

Aboriginal Health Team

There are nine teams at local community health centres across Perth.

These teams have Aboriginal Health Workers and Community Health Nurses who provide specialised health services for Aboriginal families.

The Team also has a Medical Officer, a Speech Pathologist, an Occupational Therapist, Aboriginal Health Promotion Officers, and an Aboriginal Liaison Officer who work with the local teams and Aboriginal families.

Aboriginal child health resources

View our lists of resources for health staff working with Aboriginal families

Look at me, I am 3

Turning 3 years old is the start of a very busy and exciting stage in your child’s development.

Every day, your child is learning new skills to prepare them for starting school. We have created a short video to show the developmental stages of a 3-year-old child. Click on the video to view.


If you have any concerns with your child’s development, please contact the Aboriginal Health Team (6272 9700), your Community Health Nurse (1300 749 869), the Child Development Service (1300 551 827) or your family doctor for review.

Last Updated: 01/08/2023