School Entry Health Assessment
We offer all children a free health check in the year that they start school, helping them start their school journey healthy, safe and happy.
Completing the assessment form
Once enrolled, your child's school will give you a School Entry Health Assessment form together with more information about the health check. The envelope will look like this:
The School Entry Health Assessment (SEHA) form asks about your child's health and development to provide more information to the nurse who will be doing the health check. You can also add extra information about your child, if you want.
Please make sure you fill in this form and then return it to your child's school as soon as you can. It is very important that you sign the form, so the nurse has your consent to do the assessment.
The assessment
The school health nurse will visit your child’s school during the year.
If you have provided consent (by signing the form), the nurse will check your child’s:
Vision (how well they can see)
The nurse will use:
- an eye chart to check how well your child can see things at a distance
- a small light to check inside your child’s eyes.
The nurse will look into your child’s ears, and then put headphones on your child’s head and play a sound.
The nurse may do some other checks to make sure your child’s ears are working properly.
The nurse will measure your child’s height and weight to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a guide that shows if a child is above, within or below their healthy weight range.
We will not tell your child the results.
The nurse will ask your child to open their mouth to look at their teeth, mouth, tongue, lips, gums, and cheeks to look for any concerns.
General health
This is a brief check of any developmental or health concerns that you mention in the form, or that the nurse or teacher has noticed.
You will get the results soon after the nurse has completed it.
You may like to keep the results in your child’s Purple Book (their personal health record).
If your child needs any extra checks, we will let you know.
You can also refer to our Look at me, I am 3 page for details of support available.
Questions about your child's health
Remember, you can talk to the school health nurse at any time if you have concerns about your child’s health and development. Just contact them through the school office.
The video below outlines some of the developmental skills that most 3-year-olds will have reached.