Ethics and governance approval


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Research projects that happen at a CAHS site, which includes Perth Children’s Hospital, Community Health, Mental Health and Neonatology, must be submitted, reviewed and approved by a WA Health or NHMRC certified Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and the CAHS Research Governance Office (RGO). CAHS HREC is certified as Lead HREC under NMA and can review and approve projects across public health organisations across multiple Australian jurisdictions. 
The centralised office for the CAHS HREC and RGO is at Perth Children’s Hospital. The team in this office facilitate the ethical and governance review of proposed projects and monitoring of approved research across CAHS sites. 
The aim of centralised office is to improve the efficiency and quality of ethical and governance reviews, especially for multi-site projects and clinical trials, and to support local clinical researchers to understand and meet their regulatory obligations. Researchers, study coordinators and study sponsors should contact the HREC and RGO administrative team as early as possible when planning a new research project or when considering adding a CAHS site to an existing project. 
Research projects at a CAHS site require both HREC and RGO review and approval, and applications can be submitted to both review streams simultaneously.
Last Updated: 12/02/2025