Catchment suburbs
- Ashfield - 6054
- Aveley - 6069
- Avon Valley National Park - 6084
- Bailup - 6082
- Baskerville - 6056
- Bassendean - 6054
- Bayswater - 6053
- Beechboro - 6063
- Beechina - 6556
- Belhus - 6059
- Bellevue - 6056
- Bennett Springs - 6063
- Bickley - 6076
- Boya - 6056
- Brabham - 6055
- Brigadoon - 6069
- Bullsbrook - 6084
- Bushmead - 6055
- Carmel - 6076
- Caversham - 6055
- Chidlow - 6556
- Cullacabardee - 6067
- Darlington - 6070
- Dayton - 6055
- Eden Hill - 6054
- Ellenbrook - 6069
- Embleton - 6062
- Gidgegannup - 6083
- Glen Forrest - 6071
- Gooseberry Hill - 6076
- Gorrie - 6556
- Greenmount - 6056
- Guildford - 6055
- Hackett's Gully - 6076
- Hazelmere - 6055
- Helena Valley - 6056
- Henley Brook - 6055
- Herne Hill - 6056
- High Wycombe - 6057
- Hovea - 6071
- Jane Brook - 6056
- Kalamunda - 6076
- Kiara - 6054
- Koongamia - 6056
- Lesmurdie - 6076
- Lockridge - 6054
- Lower Chittering - 6084
- Mahogany Creek - 6072
- Maida Vale - 6057
- Malaga - 6090
- Malmalling - 6556
- Maylands - 6051
- Middle Swan - 6056
- Midland - 6056
- Midvale - 6056
- Millendon - 6056
- Morley - 6062
- Mount Helena - 6082
- Mundaring - 6073
- Parkerville - 6081
- Paulls Valley - 6076
- Pickering Brook - 6076
- Piesse Brook - 6076
- Red Hill - 6056
- Reservoir - 6076
- Sawyers Valley - 6074
- South Guildford - 6055
- Stoneville - 6081
- Stratton - 6056
- Swan View - 6056
- The Lakes - 6556
- The Vines - 6069
- Upper Swan - 6069
- Viveash - 6056
- Walliston - 6076
- Walyunga National Park - 6084
- West Swan - 6055
- Whiteman - 6068
- Woodbridge - 6056
- Wooroloo - 6558
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