Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Dr Simon Davies | Director – Specialised Services | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Departmental Overview
The types of research conducted in CAMHS ranges from basic science, translational (clinical and systems), evaluation, through to participation in multi-site investigations (locally/intrastate, interstate, and international).
At present, CAMHS has 25 research projects registered on the WA Research Governance System (RGS).
In addition to progressing its own research, CAMHS services and staff collaborate with The Kids Research Institute Australia, Child and Adolescent Community Health, Perth Children's Hospital, local, interstate and international universities, as well as a range of other government and non-government organisations (e.g. Australian Mental Health Outcomes Classification Network, Butterfly Foundation).
Key Research Areas
- Physical and Mental Health outcomes in Gender Diverse Children
- Deliberate Self Harm and Personality Disorders
- Trauma and Disassociation
- Cultural Safety in Mental Health Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Exercise and Physical Health
- Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Conduct Disorder
- Evaluation of Treatment Programs
- Paediatric Eating Disorders
- Recovery in Children and Adolescents
Future Research Opportunities
- Mental Health and Chronic Conditions
- Use of big data/registers (e.g. Helping Outline Paediatric Eating disorders, The Gender identity Longitudinal Experience (GENTLE Cohort),)
- Use of external databases (e.g. Healthy Brain Network)
- Clinical outcomes
- Patient experience
- Implementation
- Stepped care initiatives
Five CAMHS teams and the CAMHS corporate team have dedicated research positions (research psychologists, research officers).
CAMHS has membership on:
- CAHS Child Health Research Advisory Committee
- Child Health Research Committee (reporting to Strategic Council)
- CAHS Human Research Ethics Committee
CAMHS also has a position Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry who has the remit to establish and sustain a research program with focus into childhood trauma, in particular the intergenerational trauma of Aboriginal children, families and communities.
Interested in conducting research at CAMHS?
Express your interest, as per the CAMHS Research Endorsement Procedure (internal WA Health only).