Nephrology and Hypertension
Dr Nick Larkins | Paediatric Nephrologist
Departmental Overview
The Department of Nephrology and Hypertension has a strong research history based on collaboration with other Australian and international sites. We are engaged in clinical research, with a focus on epidemiology, including strong links with the ANZDATA registry and Cochrane Kidney and Transplant. We recognise the role of randomised trials in improving patient care and access to novel therapies, and are working with collaborators to develop new trials through the Australasian Kidney Trials Network.
Current Research Projects
- Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA): the department are active contributors to ANZDATA and are engaged in multiple projects using this world-class resource to improve patient outcomes.
- Improve immuNologiCal assessment to improve PaediaTric kidney transplantION outcomes (INCEPTION study): a multi-centre study of immune response following kidney transplantation and how different levels of donor-recipient matching influences antibody formation.
- NAVKIDS trial of patient navigators for children with chronic kidney disease. Helping families with a rare condition and complex care requirements navigate the healthcare system.
- Collaborative projects relating to childhood nephrotic syndrome, hypertension and drug pharmacokinetics.
Extra Resources
For information on INCEPTION see doi:10.1186/s12882-021-02619-0
For more information on NAVKIDS
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