CAHS is on the lookout for WA’s brightest innovators!

Attention health and medical innovators. Would you like to make a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of Western Australians with up to $500k funding?
The Future Health Research and Innovation Fund (FHRI) recently launched the exciting new Targeted Call - Health System Solutions Program aimed to spark the creation and implementation of fresh, innovative solutions to address health and medical challenges identified by WA Hospital Service Providers (HSPs).
The program is now on the lookout for WA’s brightest innovators to present their solutions to tackle the biggest business challenges facing our HSPs. This is your chance to shine and make a difference.
The CAHS Business Challenge for the FHRI Fund is: The First 1,000 Days – Connection, Accessibility and Prevention.
The evidence is overwhelming that the first 1,000 days, from conception to the age of 2, is critical in shaping a child’s future health and development.
This period of early childhood development has a profound and lasting impact on cognitive, social, and physical outcomes, shaping the foundation for a person’s lifelong health and potential.
Recommendation 8 of the Sustainable Health Review acknowledges the significant opportunity to positively influence a person’s health and wellbeing through investment in the early years.
Failures in coordination and connection of services can have disproportionately negative impacts on those in the early stages of life when early interventions have profound and lasting impact.
Our challenge is to provide an innovative solution that enables services across government and non-government agencies to be connected and coordinated in the first 1,000 days of life.
The program is open to applications from WA innovators (which include health services, universities, medical research institutes and industry).
Funding amounts between $50,000 and $500,000 (ex. GST) will be awarded for health and medical innovation activities to address a HSP Business Challenge through a competitive process.
Selection of recipients will be through a 2-stage assessment and selection process, with the submission of initial short concept papers, followed by full proposals from invited applicants.
Visit the FHRI webpage for further information on the program, business challenges of other HSPs and how to apply for this program.
Concept paper applications close Thursday 29 August 2024.