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Murdoch Community Hub – a one stop shop for CAHS consumers 23 December 2024 The Murdoch Community Hub is set to transform how community health and mental health services are provided for children, young people and their families in Perth’s southern suburbs. The Hub, at 48 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch is close to St John of God and Fiona Stanley Hospitals. Welcoming its first clients on 16 December, it brings together a multitude of child and adolescent health services, spread across 3 floors. The Hub includes the following Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) services: • Child health • School health • Immunisation • Child Development Service • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) • CAMHS Acute Care and Response Team (ACRT) Easy access to child health, development, immunisation and mental health services in one place enables CAHS to support the specific needs of children and young people and help them thr...
Midland Community Hub opens its doors 28 November 2024 The Midland Community Hub (Midland Hub) is officially open and welcoming local families. Co-located with Landgate in the newly refurbished complex at 1 Midland Square, the Midland Hub is now a one-stop-shop for the community, providing easy access to child health, school health, community child and adolescent mental health and child development services. Aboriginal health and immunisation services are also available on-site. The co-location of these child and adolescent-focused health services will facilitate collaborative and coordinated child-centred care and service delivery, making it easier for children, young people, families and carers in the Midland area to access the support they need. The Midland Hub will continue to be supported by a network of existing smaller facilities in the Midland community where services will also continue to be provided to families. Families v...
CAHS researchers take centre stage at WA Child Health Research Symposium 11 November 2024 Developments in research from across the Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) took centre stage last week as part of the 2024 WA Child Health Research Symposium. Built around the theme, Empowering futures; advancing child health, the event showcased some of the exciting and diverse advances that are taking place across WA’s child health research sector that are improving outcomes for children and young people. Held over 4 days, the symposium had a focus on clinical trials and artificial intelligence and featured more than 170 oral and poster presentations (including 3 invited keynote speakers). It also incorporated workshops, panel discussions and a great debate. The debate proved to be a popular new addition to the program – attracting a good turnout and lots of laughs as opposing teams sparred over whether artificial intelligence was revolutionising child health o...
Our staff helping to further medical research via newly formed committee 25 October 2024 Congratulations and thank you to Professor Asha Bowen, Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg, and Professor Fiona Wood, who are all looking to cement WA as a global leader in health and medical research. Professor Asha Bowen and Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg have recently been appointed as members of the Western Australian Government’s new expert committee, which will provide strategic advice on future pathways and priorities in the field of medical research. Additionally, the committee will be bolstered by the membership of Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund Advisory Council member, Professor Fiona Wood, who will aid collaboration between the fund and the committee. The appointment of these three extraordinary individuals means that Child and Adolescent Health will be at the forefront, enabling us to put children and young people’s hea...
National Carers Week 2024 11 October 2024 National Carers Week 2024 (13-19 October) reminds us of the invaluable contributions of carers. At the Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) we care about our incredible carers. This week, and every week, let’s come together to honour the remarkable work of carers, and ensure they receive the recognition and support they truly deserve. To recognise carers across WA – who are so often unsung heroes in healthcare – CAHS is hosting a stall in the Perth Children’s Hospital atrium, Wednesday 16 October, 9:30am – 12:30pm. Come along and show your support, share your story, meet with staff from Carers WA, and pick up some handy resources. For those who cannot attend in person, we have compiled some useful resources below. Resources for carers We have compiled a list of outstanding community resources to support carers. • Working with health servic...
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