Murdoch Community Hub – a one stop shop for CAHS consumers

The Murdoch Community Hub is set to transform how community health and mental health services are provided for children, young people and their families in Perth’s southern suburbs.
The Hub, at 48 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch is close to St John of God and Fiona Stanley Hospitals.
Welcoming its first clients on 16 December, it brings together a multitude of child and adolescent health services, spread across 3 floors.
The Hub includes the following Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) services:
• Child health
• School health
• Immunisation
• Child Development Service
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
• CAMHS Acute Care and Response Team (ACRT)
Easy access to child health, development, immunisation and mental health services in one place enables CAHS to support the specific needs of children and young people and help them thrive, now and in the future.
“We are making it easier for children, young people, families and carers in the Murdoch area to access the support they need, with co-location and a purpose-built facility that will deliver collaborative and coordinated child centred care” said CAHS Chief Executive Valerie Jovanovic.
“The Murdoch Hub will be supported by a network of smaller facilities throughout the Murdoch community where services will continue to be provided for families.
“Importantly, ongoing consultation with Aboriginal Elders and the community will help ensure the Hub is culturally secure and welcoming for Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse families.”
Elaine Jensen, the consumer representative for CAHS Community Hubs completed a tour of Murdoch Hub and said, “it was fantastic to finally see it in person and it is such a great space.”
This is the second Community Hub to open following Midland in October 2024. Planning has begun for hubs in other areas.
Visit the Community Hubs page for more information.