Enhanced model of care for CAMHS Crisis Connect

Based at Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH), CAMHS Crisis Connect provides phone and online videocall support for children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as support and advice to families, carers and professionals in the community.
The service also provides mental health assessments for children presenting to the PCH Emergency Department with immediate or acute suspected mental health conditions, and coordinates referrals and admissions to Ward 5A.
The Crisis Connect model of care has recently been enhanced, and now incorporates an intervention/follow-up clinic.
This new clinic provides time-limited psychological therapy (4-6 sessions over 2 weeks) that aims to address the presenting mental health issue identified at referral and the immediate needs of the young person through early intervention to reduce the risk of escalation.
The new model of care will also assist young people in developing skills to help them problem solve, utilising a strengths-based approach which draws on existing skills, and improve young people and carers understanding of any difficulties and assist in safety planning to reduce risk.
All referrals to the intervention/follow up clinic will come through CAMHS Crisis Connect following an assessment at the PCH Emergency Department or via tele-mental health.
For more information, please contact CAMHScrisisconnect@health.wa.gov.au.